The aim of this policy is to prioritize student learning through clear expectations regarding
attendance, behaviour, academic integrity, and a commitment to continuous improvement, while
also ensuring we communicate our commitment to promoting equality of opportunity in
providing any or all our training products and services.
Our academy’s procedure includes guidelines for student enrolment, course registration,
academic conduct, assessment methods, faculty responsibilities, classroom management,
grievance handling, safety protocols, technology usage, and graduation requirements.
Scope of Policy
This policy applies to:
- All learners who apply for training.
- All training events or activities.
- All resource and support opportunities that we offer.
- All staff who are employed or contracted to work with or for us.
Equality Commitments
We are committed to:
- Taking positive action to promote equality of opportunity for all persons.
- Preventing unlawful occurrences of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination,
harassment, and victimisation.
- Actively fulfilling our obligations to accrediting bodies.
- Promoting a harmonious working and training environment where all people are treated
with respect and helped to achieve their full potential.
- Taking positive action, where necessary, to adhere to our Equal Opportunities Policy.
We accept responsibility for the effective implementation of this policy. In order to
implement the policy, we shall:
- Ensure that training course places are allocated solely on the individual merits of the
learner’s suitability for the course.
- Not discriminate or treat any individual unfairly on grounds of gender, race,
disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or social background.
- Aim to make reasonable arrangements to enable individuals with individual needs and/or
disabilities to access the training on the same grounds as all other applicants.
- Provide a consistent variety of teaching and learning methods and resources to cater for
the diverse needs and backgrounds of the learners.
- Review the training and assessment processes diligently to measure the effectiveness of
the learning methods, training materials, and assessment process in meeting the diverse
needs of the learners.
- Expect all staff to make a positive contribution towards maintaining an environment of
equal opportunity throughout the organisation. Please make sure you always observe this
- Provide individual support to individuals who have identified specific learning
requirements or require additional support.
- Ensure that staff take part in training and personal development to enable them to
confidently and competently meet our Equal Opportunities Policy and maximise the
learning and achievement of the learners.
Equality in Recruitment
- Jobs will be open equally to all eligible candidates, and appointments will only be
dependent upon an applicant’s ability to perform the job role to the standard required.
- The necessary skills, experience, and qualities for the position will be set in advance
for the job and will be demonstrably measurable.
- Applicants will be made aware of the criteria in advance, and this alone will be used as
a basis for selection.
- Recruitment procedures will be fair, open, and transparent.
- The recruitment and selection team will be expected to operate within our Equal
Opportunities Policy and practices to reduce the possibility of discrimination.
Any learner who believes that they have not been treated fairly, and in accordance with this
policy, is entitled to raise their concerns by following our Complaints Procedure. Any
complaints of discrimination will be dealt with fairly, promptly, and confidentially. We
reserve the right to change our Equal Opportunities Policy without prior notice. This policy
is kept under review and subject to change in line with changes and amendments to law and
any events that require the policy is updated.
This Appeals Policy & Procedure applies to any student who wishes to appeal against their
assessment decision.
- All learners are assessed against our published assessment criteria.
- All learners who agree to take our assessment will have received full written and verbal
assessment instructions, assessment criteria, and support towards assessment completion.
- All learners will be assessed by competent trained assessors.
A learner who wishes to appeal against an assessment decision may do so, following this
Assessment Appeals Procedure.
Grounds for Appeal
Candidates may appeal if it is believed that:
- The assessor was inappropriate in administering the assessment.
- The learner was not given a fair opportunity to provide evidence to be assessed against
the assessment criteria.
- An unavoidable circumstance arose, which was outside the control of the learner, and
resulted in the learner being unable to meet the assessment criteria as stated.
- Course enrolment or withdrawal
- Fees or refunds
- Disciplinary actions or penalties
Appeals Procedure
Any learner wishing to appeal against a decision should adhere to this process:
Step 1: Informal Resolution (within five working days)
- Students should first discuss their concerns with the relevant staff member or
- Attempt to resolve the issue through mutual understanding and agreement.
Step 2: Formal Appeal (within ten working days)
- If the issue remains unresolved, students may submit a formal appeal in writing to the
Academy's Appeals Committee.
- The appeal should include:
- A clear statement of the grounds for appeal
- Relevant supporting documentation or evidence
- The desired outcome or resolution
Step 3: Appeals Committee Review (within fifteen working days)
- The Appeals Committee will review the appeal and may request additional information or
- The Committee will decide based on the available evidence and academy policies.
Step 4: Final Decision and Notification
- The Appeals Committee's decision will be communicated to the student in writing.
- The decision will include reasons for the outcome and any relevant next steps.
- Disciplinary actions or penalties
- Include any supporting evidence and assessment paperwork in support of your appeal.
- Send the Appeal Form and evidence to ‘The Director' at PLYO FIT GYM & FITNESS CENTER,
Mundodan Building, Nilambur RS (po), Mukkatta - 679330, Kerala.
- On receiving the completed Appeal Form, we will confirm receipt within 10 days.
- An External Assessor/Internal Quality Assurer will review the Appeal and respond within
14 days.
- Additional evidence may be requested to enable a full and fair decision to be made by
the External Assessor/Internal Quality Assurer.
Complaints Policy & Procedure
We are committed to providing a quality service for our learners and working in an open and
accountable way that builds trust and respect. We aim to respond positively to any complaint
and work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory conclusion. We recognise that many
concerns can be dealt with quickly. Our aims are to:
- Resolve informal concerns quickly
- Keep matters low-key
- Enable mediation between the complainant and the individual to whom the complaint has
been referred.
The learner is required to:
- Describe the issue in writing to the person concerned
- Record all communications regarding the issue.
An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. But if concerns cannot be
satisfactorily resolved informally, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed.
If the learner is unsatisfied with the conclusion and chooses to raise a formal complaint,
we will ensure that:
- Making a formal complaint is as easy as possible.
- We deal with all complaints promptly, politely and, when appropriate, confidentially.
- We respond in the right way - for example, with an explanation, or an apology where we
have got things wrong, or information on any action taken etc.
- We learn from complaints, use them to improve our service, and review annually our
complaints policy and procedures.
The learner is required to:
- Submit a written complaint to Vipin O V within 15 of the issue arising
- Explain the problem clearly and fully
- Provide named and dated evidence
We will:
- Acknowledge the complaint in writing within 07 days
- Respond within 07 days
- Take action where appropriate
It is important to ensure that a solution is reached at this point as if the complaints
process is not successful in resolving the issue, the learner will be directed to our
accrediting body, to undertake their complaints process. Accrediting body will then
investigate the complaint which may incur fees or affect our continuing accreditation.
Learning Support & Reasonable Adjustments Policy
As part of our Equal Opportunities Policy, we are committed to providing access and
individual learning support to learners by making reasonable adjustments whenever possible.
We endeavour to uphold human rights relating to race relations, disability discrimination
and any special educational needs of our learners, and to provide equable reasonable
adjustments and special considerations for all learners on our programmes. We expect
learners to have fair access to training and assessment. We recognise that reasonable
adjustments or special considerations may be required at the time of assessment where:
- Learners have a permanent disability or specific learning needs
- Learners have a temporary disability, medical condition or learning needs
- Learners are indisposed at the time of the assessment
We aim to make suitable provision for reasonable adjustments and special consideration
arrangements to ensure that learners receive recognition of their achievement so long as the
equity, validity and reliability of the assessments can be assured.
Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustments are to be communicated, approved and set in place before the
assessment takes place. The use of a reasonable adjustment will not be taken into
consideration during the assessment of a learner’s work.
Additional Learners’ Needs Support Procedure
We recognise that learners who apply and attend our training programmes will have differing
and variable needs. In support of our Equal Opportunities Policy, we intend to accommodate
learner’s individual needs, wherever possible. To enable us to identify any specific
learning needs, agree appropriate adjustments and support and evaluate the effectiveness of
our provision, we will include the following procedures:
- Learner Application Form – ask if they have any individual learning needs or physical
needs that may necessitate adjustments or additions to the training programme.
- During the Training Programme – observe and discuss with learners any changes or
adjustments that may be necessary to enable them to have equal access to the training
- Learner Evaluation Form – request written and verbal evaluation from the learner to
enable us to assess the extent to which we can satisfactorily accommodate the learner’s
individual needs.
Possible Reasonable Adjustments that will be considered to meet individual learner needs:
- Provide resources in advance of the training.
- Provide resources in alternative format (e.g. audio material or large print).
- Adapting assessment materials, for example, providing materials in Braille.
During training:
- Discuss and agree an Action Plan with the student for best learning methods. Provide
tour of the venue before the start the training.
- Meet or communicate with the learner to agree any support needed.
- Provide access to e-learning as well as face-to-face training.
- Provide hearing loops (if applicable).
- Provide extra tutor support time when appropriate.
- Provide access to suitable equipment and environment to meet needs.
During assessment (if applicable):
- Provide a reader for written assessments.
- Provide a scribe for written assessments.
- Provide extra time for assessments.
- Provide extra breaks during assessment.
- Defer assessments to enable more preparation time.
Quality Assurance Policy & Procedure
As a Training Provider, we recognise the importance of making sure that each learner receives
a consistently high quality of training from each tutor and at each venue where they are
trained and assessed (if applicable). To ensure a consistently high standard of training and
assessment across the range of training offered, we will ensure that we will adhere to the
specified criteria in the accrediting body Code of Conduct and Practice for Endorsed
providers and approval criteria. Our Internal Quality Assurance Procedure will include the
following tasks to ensure consistency.
Quality Assurance Plan
- Identify a suitably trained Internal Quality Assurance who is responsible for verifying
the quality and standards of our training programmes.
- Produce an Internal Quality Assurance Sampling Plan that ensures:
- Training and assessments are observed and monitored against the accrediting body
quality standards by an experienced and qualified Trainer/Internal Quality
Assurer to ensure that there is a consistent level of quality across all
training and assessments
- Assessors are sufficiently trained and qualified to make valid and reliable
assessment decisions
- Adequate support and training for inexperienced trainers/assessors
- Experienced tutors/assessors to support less experienced tutors/assessors.
- Verify Assessment Decisions & Assessor Performance (if applicable) and provide written
feedback to trainers and assessors in relation to:
- The extent to which the training and assessment meets accrediting body quality
standards in relation to validity, reliability, sufficiency and authenticity.
- Assessment planning, assessing performance and other evidence, making
judgements, giving feedback and recording decisions.
- Their competence and development needs.
- Conduct regular meetings with Training and Assessment team to:
- Discuss and agree actions towards standardisation and retain minutes of
- Review training programme and assessment practice to identify action plans for
- Discuss and agree staff development needs and action plan for implementation.
- Ensure that all existing and newly recruited tutors/assessors are technically and
occupationally competent.
Tutor and Assessor Evidence
- Observation of teaching, assessment performance and assessment decisions.
- Curriculum Vitae retained for all newly appointed trainers.
- Evidence of relevant and current qualifications or certificates in the area they are
- Evidence of current and relevant Teaching and Assessing qualifications (for some
categories only).
- Evidence of appropriate registered membership.
Privacy Policy & Procedure
Statement of Policy
This statement explains how we use the personal information that you give us.
Legal Basis for Processing
Our legal basis for processing personal data is that of legitimate interest. Whenever you
give us personal data, you are consenting to its collection and use in accordance with this
privacy policy.
How do We Collect Information from You?
We obtain information about you when you request information on our training and products,
apply and book for training or if you register to receive information or our newsletters.
The Information We Collect
The personal information we collect might include the following:
- First/last names
- Email addresses
- Contact number
- Address
- Plan details
- Personal health status information (e.g. use of PAR-Q forms for health, safety and
How Will We Use the Information You Give?
The personal information we collect is used:
- To provide you with goods and services
- For learner and customer administration
- Direct marketing communication
- To personalise our service to you
- To seek your views on products
Direct Marketing Communications
From time to time, we would like to contact you with details of our products and services. We
will only send you communications if you consent to us doing so. We will treat your personal
details with the utmost care and will not sell them to other companies for marketing
Managing and Updating Your Data, Erasure and Asking a Copy of Your Records
We will manage and monitor the use of personal data in the following ways:
- Aim to collect and process only the information needed
- Aim to ensure information is accurate
- Use data for purposes as are described at the point of collection
- Not keep information longer than is necessary
- Securely destroy data which is no longer needed
* The right to erase your details applies only in certain circumstances and may not apply for
the following reasons:
- To comply with a legal obligation
- To the right of freedom of expression and information.
Please contact if you would like to:
- Update your details
- Withdraw your consent or opt out of marketing communications
- Request a copy of the data we hold on to you. We will aim to meet the request within 21
days but not more than 30 days
- Request erasure of the data we hold on to you.
Data Security
When we collect, process and use personal data, we will take steps to ensure that it is
managed securely and in line with this privacy policy.
We will not share your data to other third parties except:
- As required to meet your order or request for goods and services
- To partner suppliers that process data on our behalf
- In response to industry regulators as part of monitoring and quality assurance processes
- Where we believe, in good faith, that it is needed to comply with the law or protect the
safety of staff, customers, participants or the public.
PLYO FIT Health & Fitness PVT LTD aims to promote original work, academic integrity, and a
culture of honesty among students, faculty, and staff through plagiarism policy.
As per PLYO FIT Health & Fitness PVT LTD plagiarism policy:
- Students, faculty, and staff have no rights to copy and paste any content from any
source without quotation marks or proper citation.
- Students, faculty, and staff have no rights to paraphrase or summarize someone else's
work without proper citation.
Learner Contact & Support Procedure
Information is available to customers via our website, leaflets, brochures, telephone and
email. Every applicant will be contacted by the courses counsellor to ensure that:
- They have an accurate knowledge of what the course will cover and enable them to do.
- Any individual learning or other support can be provided either prior to the course,
during or afterwards towards completing the assessment.
- Any individual needs can be accommodated (in relation to accessibility or resource
The following information is forwarded to the student:
- Course dates, times, venue details and costs.
- Learner Information Pack (includes Equal Opportunities Policy, Aims and Purpose of the
Course, Teaching and Learning Contract).
- Assessment Pack (includes Assessment Guidelines, Marking Criteria, Appeals Procedure).
Start of the Training Programme
On the first day of the course, the learner will receive:
- Learner Manual
- Learner Handouts
- Learner Worksheets and where relevant, any multi-media resources
- Assessment Task Pro-forma and Assessment guidelines
- Contact details for training support during and post training
During the Training
The tutor will:
- Conduct a training needs analysis to establish the group and individual skill and
knowledge competency.
- Include individual activities, quizzes and audits to assess learners' current competency
in relation to the Aims and Outcomes and be offered individual support and guidance.
- Lead small group activities and workshops will provide practice opportunities for all
learners and feedback will be given in relation to the assessment criteria.
- Run whole group plenary sessions; small group tutorials will be used for formative
assessment purposes.
- Enable learners on every training programme to have the opportunity for one-to-one and
small group tutorials during the course.
Post-course and Assessment Preparation
The learners will have:
- Full written and verbal assessment instructions.
- Online and offline sample assessment projects.
- Online and offline tutor support towards assessment completion.
- An opportunity to be re-assessed if necessary.
Training Cancellation Policy
This policy applies to all training. We recognise that there may be times when customers are
unable to attend training, and we aim to be helpful and flexible wherever possible. However,
this may affect our costs and the quality of training for other learners, therefore any
decisions relating to cancellations will be at the final discretion of the training
Customer Cancellation
- Cancellations received up to 30 days before the start of the training start date will
not be charged the training fee.
- No refund will be given for cancellations received 15 days prior to the training start
- No refund will be given for failing to attend the training without any prior
Organisation Cancellation
- We reserve the right to cancel or change the training at any time, including but not
limited to, lack of participation, venue and equipment unavailability, equipment or
trainer availability.
- We will aim to provide you with a minimum of 10 days notification, or the earliest
possible notification of any changes where unforeseen circumstances have resulted in the
- Learners will not be charged for the training, and we will endeavour to provide
alternative training arrangements.
- We will not be deemed liable for any direct or indirect consequential costs that the
learner may have incurred because of cancelled training, including, but not limited to,
accommodation and transportation costs.
General Disclaimer
- We shall not be liable for damages resulting from errors or omissions in the training
- We shall not be liable for any damages that result from the use of the training
materials or content from the training programme.
Health and Safety Policy
Tutors, learners and others who attend our training are expected to take responsibility for
their own safety and that of other people. The tutors, management and staff aim to ensure
that the training takes place in a safe working environment, without risk of accident and
the subsequent pain and suffering which could result. To meet these ends we aim to ensure
that our training team carry out their duties in a safe and responsible manner within an
overall framework of safe working practices.
General Policy Statement
We recognise our responsibility and are fully committed to do all in our power to protect the
safety, health and welfare of staff, learners and others. We aim to ensure, as far as is
reasonably practicable, safe premises, equipment and systems of work without risk to health.
We recognise the importance of safety and efficiency in prevention of accidents and injuries
and will make health and safety a priority.
- To comply with existing statutory and legislative requirements regarding the safety,
health and welfare of tutors, learners and relevant others to whom we have legal
- To provide equipment that is safe and without risk to health.
- To provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to
ensure the health and safety of tutors, learners and relevant others.
- To maintain the training environment in a condition that is safe and without risks to
health (including safe means of access and egress to and from the places of work).
- To provide and maintain a working environment which is safe and without risks to health,
including appropriate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees.
- To identify and work for the elimination or control of hazards.
Organisation and Arrangements for Health & Safety
Everyone has responsibility for health and safety. Any member of staff must report any
failures of policy, hazards or dangerous events to the Managing Director. Tutors, assessors,
learners and others have a duty to act responsibly and not to put themselves or others at
risk by their acts or omissions. Where relevant, any unsafe conditions must be reported to
the tutor or Managing Director. Tutors, assessors and learners must use all control measures
and follow safe systems of work and keep the training area clean and tidy.
Health and Safety Conditions
- Adequate arrangements will be made to provide the correct levels of temperature,
lighting, ventilation and noise for health and safety.
- Should this not be possible, then an alternative venue or solution will be sought to
protect the individual concerned.
Safe Systems of Work
- It is the duty of the lead tutor to create and then maintain safe working practices.
- Where specific safety rules apply, for example: in using a new piece of equipment, these
must be stated and shared with all relevant parties.
Housekeeping and Hygiene
- A clean and tidy training space is required to ensure that safety objectives are
- All are required to tidy and clear during the training to prevent accidents and
incidents and keep the areas clean and hygienic.
Slips and Falls
- Most serious accidents originate from people slipping, tripping or falling so particular
care must be taken to be alert to potential hazards such as water on the floor, trailing
cables and obtrusive equipment.
- People running or hurrying increase the risk of slips, trips and falls so special care
should be taken when there are obvious hazards, conditions change, or people are tired
or distracted.
- Everyone is required to more around the workspace diligently and with concern for their
own and other’s safety.
Training and Competency
- The training team will be suitably competent and capable in terms of health and safety
for the tasks that they are responsible for.
- Specific training will be provided, where required and as identified by Risk Assessment.
- Fire extinguishers will be provided around the premises and are marked “FIRE POINT”
- Fire escape routes and exits are to be clearly marked with ‘FIRE EXIT’ signs
- A fire alarm system (siren) operates with a break glass operation situated at the marked
- If a person discovers a fire, the alarm should be activated. Anyone who are not trained
should not tackle a fire but proceed safely to the assembly point via the escape routes.
- No unauthorised person is to interfere with any fire safety arrangements.
- Everyone is responsible for keeping fire routes and exits free from obstruction and
abide by the notices explaining the fire arrangements.
- Smoking is forbidden in the building.
- Any fault or defect in a piece of equipment or controls must be notified immediately to
the Lead Tutor.
- The machine/equipment must not be used until it has been repaired and safe to use again.
- As instructed by the tutor, only suitably trained individuals are permitted to use
equipment, and this should only occur when they have been trained to do so and when
supervision and instruction will be provided.
Guidelines to Health and Safety
Below is a list of some basic guidelines for all to follow:
- Keep workplace clean and tidy etc. to prevent slips, trips and falls
- Always use equipment correctly as per the instructions
- Follow the safety procedures and rules from the Risk Assessment and ask if you are ever
- Never interfere with equipment, electricity or any safety feature
- No smoking
- Report any defects or damage to any part of the premises or equipment
- Do not put yourself or others at risk and this includes horseplay or misuse of
Safeguarding Policy
PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. is committed to safeguarding all learners who attend our
programmes. The purpose of this policy is to develop good practice for all learners about
whom we may have concerns regarding their health, safety or welfare. The policy applies to
all learners and includes, although is not exclusive to the following adults over 18 years
of age who may be at risk, regardless of age, class, ethnicity, gender, marital status,
religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation or gender reassignment.
The definition of an adult or young person at risk for the purpose of this policy is those
who are over 18 years of age and includes:
Principles of Safeguarding
If you believe that someone is vulnerable to being exploited or involved in violent
extremism, please use the following safeguarding duty or care procedures and escalate your
concerns to the person responsible for safeguarding.
Procedures Staff are Expected to Follow
If you see or hear something or if you are given information that causes you concern about a
learner’s health, safety, welfare, or behaviour you should not ignore it.
What you should do:
- Stay calm
- If it is a medical emergency or a situation of immediate danger, call the relevant
emergency service(s) straight away. You do not need anyone’s permission to do this.
Otherwise, ask the learner whether they feel that they are, or that anyone else is, at
immediate risk
- Ensure that the learner’s basic needs are met, enlisting others to help if necessary and
if you need to stay with the learner
- Listen to anything the learner may want to tell you
- Take notes of what is said and what you observe, at the time or immediately after
- Pass the information on to designated person responsible for safeguarding (the member of
staff with lead responsibility for issues concerning adults at risk) at the earliest
- Inform the learner that you are doing this and that their views and wishes will be
All those working with learners at or for PLYO FIT FITNESS ACADEMY have a duty to comply with
this policy. One member of PLYO FIT FITNESS ACADEMY will be designated to take lead
responsibility for issues concerning adults at risk. Except in an emergency, all concerns
should have communicated them so that they can decide what action, if any, to take. As the
designated member of staff, they should make themselves aware of any ‘multi-agency
‘procedures operating locally and involve relevant health.
Media Policy & Procedure
This policy exists to assure that information disclosed by PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt.
Ltd. is timely, accurate, comprehensive, authoritative and relevant to all aspects of PLYO
FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. Adherence to this policy is intended to provide an effective
and efficient framework to facilitate the timely dissemination of information.
This media policy applies to all employees of PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. and its
subsidiaries and divisions as well as members of its Board of Directors. This policy covers
all external news media and social media including broadcast, electronic and print.
Designation of Company Spokesperson
Mr. Vipin O V is designated as PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. principal media contact
and company spokesperson. Mr. Vipin O V has expertise in media relations and weighs each
media inquiry to determine the best way to provide information. Among their corporate
communications responsibilities they aim to:
- Increase public awareness and understanding of PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd., the
services that we provide and our prospects for growth.
- Promote a positive public image of PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. and the work we
do to the audiences that are important to the company, which includes existing and
prospective learners, employees and our industry peers.
Guidelines for Talking with the Media
A reporter, producer or other news media may contact you for several reasons, for example:
- To get information about PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd.
- To get information or comment about an action or event that could impact our industry,
new product launches, etc
- To get general information on a topical story in your community
Refer all media calls to the company’s spokesperson named above. Please do not say you are
not allowed to talk to a reporter or must get permission to do so. Instead, tell the
reporter: PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. policy is to refer all media inquiries to the
company’s spokesperson. You can reach them at 91 8281326050.”
Whenever taking a call from the media, the same courtesy and professionalism in which we
approach customers should be displayed toward the media. Please act quickly when approached
by the media to ensure that the reporter’s deadline is met. This is important because the
way this call is handled may be the reporter’s first impression of PLYO FIT Health & Fitness
Pvt. Ltd. and that first impression may end up in the story published. To promote our
customer service image, it is important to respond quickly, courteously and professionally
to all media calls.
Guidelines for Photographs and Film
A similar process as described above will be used when someone from the media is requesting
permission to take photographs or to film inside our facilities. Refer the caller to the
company’s spokesperson named above. No one will be given access to our facility for a photo
or filming without approval from the company’s spokesperson, and equally important, the
company’s spokesperson will not give approval without talking in advance with the manager of
the facility. This is a joint decision between the facility and the company’s spokesperson.
Decisions will be based upon a number of considerations including but not limited to:
- What does PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. have to gain from the photo and filming?
- How much disruption will this cause to operations?
- What is the age and condition of the facility?
- Does the facility look ‘picture perfect’ good?
When dealing with reporters and camera crews who may show up unannounced, the facility
manager and staff should act with the same courtesy and professionalism as we approach
customers. Contact the company’s spokesperson named above immediately and let them know
which news source is there so that they can contact the camera crew’s newsroom or the print
photographer’s editor for clarification.
We cannot prevent the filming or photographing in areas outside of our facilities, which we
do not operate. Examples would include parks and outdoor spaces.
The following guidelines should be used when television camera crews or print photographers
show up unannounced at your facility:
- The media cannot enter our facility to photograph or film without permission.
- The media cannot block the entrance to our facility or prevent people from entering our
facility or conducting business as usual.
Be courteous and friendly but also remember that no matter how congenial or affirming the
reporter, photographer or camera crew are, everything you say and do may be observed and
reported by the media representative.
Guidelines for Seeking Media Coverage
In circumstances in which you believe you have a positive news story to share with the
public, contact the company’s spokesperson named above. It is the only department authorized
to distribute PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. news releases, pitch coverage of
particular events or hold news conferences.
- Do not call a reporter directly without first consulting the company’s spokesperson
- The company’s spokesperson will work with you to gather information and determine if and
how the news media should be contacted.
Social Media Policy & Procedure
This policy provides guidance for employee use of social media, which should be broadly
understood for the purposes of this policy to include blogs, wikis, microblogs, message
boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and
other sites and services that permit users to share information with others in a
contemporaneous manner.
The following principles apply to professional use of social media on behalf of PLYO FIT
Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. as well as personal use of social media when referencing PLYO FIT
Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd.]:
- Employees need to know and adhere to the Company’s Code of Conduct, Employee Handbook,
and/or other company policies when using social media in reference to [PLYO FIT Health &
Fitness Pvt. Ltd.
- Employees should be aware of the effect their actions may have on their own image, as
well as PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd.’s image. The information that employees post
or publish may be public information for a long time.
- Employees should be aware that PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. may observe content
and information made available by employees through social media. Employees should use
their best judgment in posting material that is neither inappropriate nor harmful to
[PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd., its employees, or customers.
- Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media
conduct include posting commentary, content, or images that are defamatory,
pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libellous, or that can create a hostile work
- Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered
confidential or not public. If there are questions about what is considered
confidential, employees should check with Mr. Vipin O V.
- Social media networks, blogs and other types of online content sometimes generate press
and media attention or legal questions. Employees should refer these inquiries to
authorised PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. spokespersons.
- If employees encounter a situation while using social media that threatens to become
antagonistic, employees should disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner and seek
advice from Mr. Vipin O V.
- Employees should get appropriate permission before you refer to or post images of
current or former employees, members, vendors or suppliers. Additionally, employees
should get appropriate permission to use a third party's copyrights, copyrighted
material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property.
- Social media use shouldn't interfere with employee’s responsibilities at PLYO FIT Health
& Fitness Pvt. Ltd. When using PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. computer systems, use
of social media for business purposes is allowed (for example PLYO FIT’s Facebook,
Twitter, blogs and LinkedIn), but personal use of social media networks or personal
blogging of online content is discouraged and could result in disciplinary action.
- If employees publish content after‐hours that involves work or subjects associated with
PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd., a disclaimer should be used, such as this: ‘The
postings on this site are my own and may not represent PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt.
Ltd. positions, strategies or opinions.’
- It is highly recommended that employees keep PLYO FIT Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd. related
social media accounts separate from personal accounts, if practical.